Bensons for Beds

Case Study

Bensons for Beds, a prominent retailer in the furniture industry, has embarked on a sustainable journey with The Furniture Recycling Group (TFR Group). Through their collaboration, Bensons has not only significantly reduced their carbon footprint but also contributed to a circular economy by recycling and rejuvenating mattresses that would have otherwise ended up in landfill.

Key Statistics:

  • Bensons For Beds have saved almost 1000 tonnes of CO2 by recycling and rejuvenating mattresses through TFRGroup
  • Over 6000 mattresses have been recycled or rejuvenated by Bensons so far
  • In 2023 alone, Bensons recycled 1343 mattresses and successfully rejuvenated 4676 mattresses through TFRGroup’s services.

Bensons for Beds offers its customers a “40 Night Comfort Guarantee” which allows customers to sleep at home with their preferred mattress for 40 nights and then, for a small fee, change to an alternative if their original selection did not meet their needs. It also offers a similar proposition on its EVE mattresses which it sells under the web site. Whilst this offers customers choice, flexibility and piece of mind, it does create a challenge with what to do with mattresses which have been slept on – but still have years of life left on them. TFRGroup’s rejuvenation service is the perfect answer to this problem.

TFRGroup’s rejuvenation service is a groundbreaking process that combines automation, cutting-edge sanitisation technology, and expert oversight. Upon receiving returned mattresses, they undergo rigorous inspection and are sanitized using advanced methods, ensuring 100% cleanliness and compliance with NHS standards. This process not only minimises waste but also taps into a growing market for pre-loved, premium products, catering to eco-conscious consumers.

The partnership between Bensons for Beds and TFR Group demonstrates the power of collaboration in achieving sustainability goals within the mattress industry. Through innovative rejuvenation processes and a shared commitment to environmental values, both businesses have made significant strides towards creating a more sustainable future.

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1000 tonnes

of CO2 saved through TFRG Services

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over 6000

mattresses recycled or rejuvenated to date

Mark Freer highlights the journey of Bensons For Beds and TFRGroups partnership, starting with Bensons’ decision to explore sustainable alternatives for mattress disposal. Previously, mattresses were either sent to clearance stores or landfills, incurring losses for Bensons and negatively impacting the environment. However, with the introduction of TFR Group’s mattress rejuvenation services, they could now resell returned mattresses, turning losses into profitable margins, whilst having a positive impact on the environment.

The success of their partnership relies on effective communication and collaboration between both parties. Mark emphasizes the importance of streamlining processes, such as mattress identification and labeling, to optimize efficiency and minimize errors, which TFRGroup wholeheartedly embraced. By aligning their efforts, TFRGroup have transformed mattress recycling and rejuvenation for Bensons for Beds into a seamless and sustainable operation.

Looking ahead, Bensons for Beds aims to further expand their sustainability initiatives, including reducing returns and implementing eco-friendly packaging. They envision a future where zero waste is achieved, aligning with their long-term CSR goals.

Mark Freer, Network Clearance Manager for Bensons For Beds comments,

“I am delighted to offer my highest recommendation for TFR Group as mattress recycling and rejuvenation experts. My experience with TFR Group, particularly working with their team led by Nick Oettinger, has been nothing short of exceptional.

From our very first interaction, TFR Group demonstrated their expertise and dedication to understanding our needs. What truly sets TFR Group apart is their efficiency and efficacy in streamlining processes and dedication to reporting effectively and clearly.

I wholeheartedly endorse TFR Group – they have proven themselves to be an indispensable partner in our commitment to sustainability and efforts to maximise revenue from mattress returns. I look forward to continuing our collaborations well into the future.”

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